Saturday, March 30, 2013

Top 10 internet browser free download for your pc


  Internet browser is a software application that enables you to browse the world wide web, locating and accessing webpages. Browsers translate HTML code, allowing you to read text, view images, play videos and listen to audio clips on websites and much more.Now a days we are using 3 or more web browser.I have given top 10 web browser list for help you.

# 1    Google Chrome

Google Chrome

#2  Firefox

#3  Internet Explorer

#4  Opera

#5 Safari

#6 Maxthon

#7  Rockmelt

#8  SeeMonkey

#9  Deepnet Explorer

#10 Avant Browser

How to Create Killer oDesk Profile?


How to Create a Killer oDesk Profile

Step 1:At first you should list down all your skills. Doesn’t matter if they are related to one another or not. Go from broad to specific.
For Example:

01. Writing Skills
    a. knows how to write SEO articles
    b. can write 6 articles in a day

02. SEO Skills

    a. Off page SEO
    b. can make 20 blog comments in an hour
    c. can make 20 forum posts in an hour
    d. On page SEO
    e. optimize the “tags”
    f. keyword optimization
    g. Link-Building
    h. Article Submission
    i. Ditectory Submission
    j. Social Bookmarking
    k. Forum Posting

03. Web Design and Development
    a. Joomla
    b. Wordpress
    c. HTML & CSS
    d. PHP & MYSQL

 Step 2: Secoundly List down all the tools and applications that you’re familiar with. If you’re a graphic,Logo, Card, Banner designer, being an expert in Photoshop is a must. But if you’re a virtual assistant, knowing how to use Photoshop is a plus. The more applications you’re familiar with, the more plus points to getting job.

Step 3: Group your general skills (i.e.Web design, writing, SEO, organizing, etc) and write a short paragraph, 3 to 4 sentences for each general skill, and briefly discuss all related specific skills.
“I am a writer and I know the power of words, especially when it comes to writing SEO articles. I can produce more than 6 quality articles in a day and I can assure you that they will be original, unique and will pass copyscape. I have written articles for my blog or website”
“I am familiar with both on-page and off-page SEO techniques. With off-page, I can generate 100 links in a day, 10 from blog comments, 10 from forum posting etc”
“I am familiar with both on-page and off-page SEO techniques. With off-page, I can generate links from blog comments, forum posting with on-page, I know how to optimize the tags to make your site SEO-friendly ”

Step 4: Arrange all the paragraphs in order of your proficiency, the top being the skill that you excel in most. For example, if you’re more of an SEO assistant, then put the SEO paragraph before the others.

Step 5: Read the resulting article and make sure that everything is clear, concise and well-written. Every paragraph must flow through to the next in a coherent manner. When you’re satisfied, use this in your oDesk profile. You may opt to add another paragraph at the bottom, describing your other qualities that will be useful at work or, a goal or objective, or anything that you think clients will find interesting about you.
Thank you very much.

How to create a Profile successfully 100% on oDesk?

How to create a Profile successfully 100% on oDesk:

Every contractor needs a profile to showcase their skills as a freelancer. How you create
your profile tells exactly how you are. So don't copy other's profile, make them stand out.
How will you create a profile that can stand out?

Take oDesk Readiness Test first: 
Everyone should take oDesk Readiness Test. In this way, clients see you as a person not an auto

generated bot.

Take Skills Test: 
Skills test will determine your skill. Take tests related to your skills.
Do not attempt to cheat because it will only hurt your reputation in the long run. Answer

Upload a portrait: 
The portrait must be professional looking. Not those taken somewhere
with friends or those commonly used pictures in social networking sites. This is work, so
treat it as one. A good portrait doesn't have unnecessary background. White is preferred.
Clothes in the picture must look professional too.

Create a unique title: 
A title must not just have your skill, show what other things you
know. Be unique and descriptive. Ex. Web Designer (CSS, HTML, JavaScript) and SEO Freelance

Build your Objective: 
Your objective is your sales pitch. Write objectives that will draw
the employer's attention. Be creative, clients will know if your objective is just taken in
the internet.

Set up your portfolio: 
Any works related to your skill can be your portfolio. If you don't
have one, I'm sure you have school or personal projects that you have kept elsewhere.

Education and Certification:
Education tells how deep your level of understanding is. Show
off what you have attained, describe the degrees you have taken. If you have honors and special
mentions describe them too.Most freelancer have certifications, most don't. If you have one, it
is one of your greatest advantage. Show off your scores too.

Employment Background: 
Put an employment background that is more related to your work. We
don't need carpenters, janitors, or sewing or any job not using computers.

Skills must be as much as possible relevant to your chosen field. If you want a data
entry position, show data entry skills like for  example MSExcel, MSword, or Powerpoint. Treat
each as a skill and not in groups(MSOffice Applications).

Other experiences: 
What other skills or unique abilities you know? Show them off here. Make
sure that they are relevant to your chosen field.

An outstanding profile:
Has a title and objective that can stand out from the rest.
Has taken odesk readiness test and odesk skill tests.
Completes at least 80% of the profile.
New: Has a verified identity.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Bangla 9 Freelancer Learning eBook Free Download in Bangali Language.

Bangla 9 Freelancer Learning eBook Free Download in Bangali Language.

A Freelancer is someone who does not work under a company full time,but is hired by different companies for certain jobs.Present world freelance site are very familial all over the world.Here some people post there job and some people contract this job. There are more people in the Bangladesh work in the freelance marketplace. Some people try to develop there career on freelance market.But they do not know how to start.That's why I share some Bangla Freelancing eBook.

01. Learn Odesk in Bangla    


02. Freelancer.Com Bangla eBook


undefined03. Freelance Writter Bangla eBook


04. Banglai Earn Money by Article Writings
Author: Hasinul Islam


05. Earning internet bangla


06. Bangla Blogger ebook by tunerpage
Author: Banda Iktear
Published by : Tunerpage


07. blogger-bangla-tutorial-ebook
Published by :


08. blogging-bangla-guide-ebook


09. Banglay search engine optimization
Author: Jakaria chowdhury and Partho Sarothi kor

odesk Microsoft Excel 2010 skill Test answers.

 odesk Microsoft Excel 2010 Test answers.


Question: If you want to create a citation and fill in the source information later, you should:

a. insert a caption.
b. add a placeholder.
c. add a new source.
d. insert a cross-reference.
Ans: a

Question: To select vertical blocks of text, you would hold down which key while dragging the mouse?
a. Alt
b. Ctrl
c. Shift

Ans: b

Question: If I do not want the contents of one of my fields to automatically update, I would have to do which of the following?
a. Lock the field.
b. Protect the field.
c. Make the field hidden.
d. Turn field shading off.
 Ans: c

Question: Sarah receives a company turnover summary in the form of an embedded Excel chart (as shown in the above image) in a Microsoft Word 2010 document from her boss. Her boss wants the chart to be sent over to the Public Relations department with a line in the chart showing the variations in the company's turnover, as well as a prediction for the next 2 years. The turnover values for each year also need to be sent separately in an Excel file. What should Linda do to achieve this in the shortest possible time?

a. Take a screenshot of the chart and ask a designer to draw a line showing the trends. She can then type the data manually into an excel sheet.
b. Import the chart into an Excel sheet and change the formatting of the chart to a line chart. She can then copy the corresponding fields into a separate Excel file and send it over.
c. Change chart type to a line chart and type all the values into an Excel file.
d. Use the Trendline feature to create a line showing the trends and copy the data from the Excel sheet field which opens up on clicking Edit Data.
Ans: c
Question: You want to add an image as the first character in your paragraph. Which type of text wrapping treats your graphic as if it were a character?

a. Through
b. Square
c. In Font of Text
d. In Line with Text
 Ans: b

Question: Roger was editing a Word document, when his mobile phone rang. By mistake, some button got clicked on the Word 2010 Ribbon area, so that the document's appearance changed from Image A to Image B. Which of the following options could be the cause?

a. Margins were activated on the document.
b. Tables with maximum number of rows and columns was added to the document.
c. Gridlines were enabled from the Page Layout Tab.
d. A preset Watermark was inserted.
 Ans: b

Question: A particular chart layout can be applied to a chart only if:
a. it has been saved as a template in the Charts Template folder.
b. it has been set as the default chart.
c. it is a 2D chart.
d. it is a 3D chart.
 Ans: c

Question: Choose the INCORRECT statement:
a. Only high-risk documents from an uncertain location are opened in Read-Only view.
b. All documents that contain macros open in Read-Only view.
 Ans: a

Question: Microsoft Word 2010 has enabled ligatures for which of the following fonts?
a. Open Type fonts
b. True Type fonts
 Ans: a

Question: With which chart type(s) is the "Depth Gridlines" option available?
a. Bubble chart
b. Line chart
c. True 3D chart
d. All of the above
Ans: b

Question: Which of the following is NOT an option under File > Print > Microsoft Document Image Writer?
a. PDF
c. MDI
Ans: c

Question: I want to use the AutoCaption feature for several elements in my document. What type of file format is NOT available in the AutoCaption dialog box?
a. BMP
b. PDF
c. XLS
d. JPG
 Ans: c

Question: What view must be used when inserting a subdocument?
a. Print Layout
b. Web Layout
c. Outline
d. Full Screen Reading

Ans: b

Question: Josh is creating a collage for his college project. He has an image - Image A - which he wants to show in different color themes so as to represent different moods in the collage (Images B, C and D). How can Josh achieve this in Microsoft Word 2010?

a. By using Format Painter.
b. By altering the Line Color.
c. By using the Recolor option under Format Picture.
d. This can't be achieved in Microsoft Word 2010. 
Ans: c

Question: Which of the following in NOT a type of Section Break?
a. Next Page
b. Linked
c. EvenPage
d. Continuous
Ans: d

 Question: Samantha is given an article to proofread. The article runs into hundreds of pages. She is asked to use hyphens to allow words in the article to break between two lines. There is an option in Microsoft Word 2010 which can be used to achieve this result with a single click. Please identify it.

a. Breaks
b. Indentation
c. Orientation
d. Hyphenation

Ans: c

Question: Which of the following options allows you to arrange drawings in your document so they may be moved, kept together, aligned, or formatted more easily?

a. Insert Clip Art
b. Insert Flowchart
c. Insert SmartArt
d. Insert Quick Parts
e. Insert Drawing Canvas
Ans: b

Question:When you apply a theme to a Microsoft Word 2010 document, all the tables, charts, SmartArt graphics, shapes, and other objects are updated to complement one another.

a. True
b. False
Ans: b

 Question: My table heading row is not repeating on subsequent pages though I have properly set the header row to repeat. What is one problem that might be causing this behavior?
a. "Allow row to break across pages" is unchecked.
b. My top and bottom margins are too small.
c. There are hard page breaks in my table
Ans: a